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Essential Onboarding for Executives

Our Executive Immersion program expedites industry onboarding for executives. This comprehensive 1:1 training covers key concepts and lets leaders ask questions and discuss topics with a knowledgeable instructor.

When executives from other industries join your organization, they bring their unique talents and vision. But how much do they know about life insurance products and operations? To effectively innovate and drive change, leaders need industry context and a holistic view of how insurance companies function. And they need it quickly.



The course was wonderful. The instructor’s explanations were super clear and provided specific examples or anecdotes that made the course not just academic but real. It was one of the best onboarding courses I have taken and would definitely recommend to anyone who is new to the industry or new to the U.S. market. It’s worth every minute of the six hours. Extremely satisfied!

VP Business Communications at a large public insurance company (November 2023)

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