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Build a Strong Foundation

Get up to speed quickly and shorten time to proficiency with the Accelerate Impact Suite.

Whether you’re just starting your first job or joining the C-Suite, we have solutions to meet you where you are and accelerate your technical knowledge of life insurance and financial services.

FLMI Level 1 Certificate in Insurance Fundamentals

Accelerate success with essential information about insurance products and operations. This globally recognized certificate can be earned in one of three ways. (Complete Insurance Fundamentals and Insurance Immersion available in the US and Canada only).

FLMI Level 1 Certificate in Insurance Fundamentals

Get need-to-know information about life insurance products and operations in two online interactive courses.

Complete Insurance Fundamentals

Build employees' life insurance knowledge with an online, self-paced learning path focused on insurance products and operations.

Insurance Immersion

A unique, instructor-led program that provides a comprehensive overview of the industry and how insurers operate.

Certificate Programs

We have more certificate programs to help you begin your learning journey! Ranging from one to three courses, these programs provide a solid foundation of knowledge in a specific area of life insurance and financial services.

Certificate in Retirement Essentials

These courses provide an overview of the U.S. retirement system and industry and a strong foundation in retirement principles, products, and planning.

Certificate in Customer Experience Essentials

Creating a positive customer experience culture can distinguish a company from its competitors while helping achieve profitable growth.

Certificate in Regulatory Compliance Essentials

Understand how an insurance company’s formation, operations, products, and sales activities are affected by laws and regulation.

Additional Learning Opportunities

Continue the learning journey with additional learning opportunities to build industry knowledge.

Executive Immersion (instructor-led)

Essential onboarding for executives new to insurance.

Industry Advantage

Meet the distinct, industry-specific needs of your entire workforce with the Industry Advantage subscription program.

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