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MarketFacts August 2024 Review

August Articles

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RILAs: Flagship Annuity Product for the Future

Registered index-linked annuity sales have been surpassing traditional variable annuity sales. What is it about this product line that is driving sales, and will this trend continue?

Advisors to Record Keepers: ‘Stay in Your Lane’

Financial advisors and DC record keepers must tread a fine line as they work to meet participants’ needs seamlessly. Discover the secrets to finding that balance.

Benefits and Challenges: DC Plans Evolve, Part 2

As more workers depend on DC plans to partially fund their retirement, learn how plans are changing to better serve workers’ needs in the conclusion of this two-part article.

Small Business: Hot Market for Benefits Providers

Read on to understand why small businesses present a significant opportunity for benefits providers, and what carriers, brokers and others must do to land this business.

Life Insurance: Protecting 1.4 Billion People in India

India’s economy and life insurance market are growing fast. What is driving this growth, and what do carriers need to keep in mind to position for success?

Universal APIs: Integrate, Simplify and Modernize

Digital transformation, artificial intelligence and generative AI are all changing how we work. What do carriers need to do to ensure long-term success across the industry?

Insights & Trends

Check out additional research from LIMRA on life insurance, annuities and workplace benefits. Also find LOMA Information Center briefs and quick queries on a variety of topics.

Find Hidden Risks by Linking Medical and Nonmedical Data

Check out this insurance mortality risk management study, and see how carriers could miss opportunities to better segment applicants with medical conditions. Are you one of them?

MarketFacts July 2024 Review

Articles from the July 2024 issue of MarketFacts

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