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Have a question? Looking for information? LOMA helps members find the answers they need to solve today’s business problems, with access to a variety of information sources that include the latest news, perspectives and presentations affecting our industry.

News & Research

Check the pulse of the industry with Quick Queries and Research Briefs driven by members of LOMA Committees and produced by our Info Center.



Access insightful thought leadership on the forces driving the financial services industry.

The Information Center

Provides research, survey results, and other information relevant to the insurance and financial services industry


Short studies and discussions of today's topics from LIMRA, LOMA, and our industry partners.

News Releases

See the list of our latest press releases.




Each issue includes a featured MarketFacts article, links to new research briefs, announcements, and more.



Access the latest information, research, training programs, and software for fraud prevention.

Industry news2use

Industry news2use

This weekly newsletter showcases important global financial services industry updates and links to related LIMRA, LOMA, and SRI resources. Please subscribe to receive Industry news2use in your inbox on Tuesdays.

Spotlight On...

In our Spotlight On... series, we focus on new courses, learning opportunities, and learner and Ed Rep stories.

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