Networking with Peers
LIC holds networking committee meetings, webinars, and conferences throughout the year to help senior managment from small-to-midsize life insurance companies build relationships and learn from their peers.
LIC holds networking committee meetings, webinars, and conferences throughout the year to help senior managment from small-to-midsize life insurance companies build relationships and learn from their peers.
Each year LIC conducts committee meetings, webinars, and conferences that enable senior management at small-to-midsize life insurance companies to build relationships, meet and learn from relevant vendors, and share ideas and practical solutions with peers at similar companies.
LIC's Final Expense Workshop, Preneed Forum, and Annual Meeting & Marketing Conference are open to all. LIC Committee Meetings are reserved for insurance company/fraternal executives and sponsoring service providers.
See the benefits of LIC membership, testimonial videos, and list of member companies. Learn how to join LIC.
Learn how to become a sponsor of the Life Insurers Council. See how sponsorship benefits your company.
Learn about and subscribe to LIC's Enewsletter.
Learn more about networking committees available to senior management of companies that belong to the Life Insurers Council.
Learn more about LIC Surveys and Benchmarks, including annual reports on Final Expense, Preneed, and Smaller-Company Annuity Sales.
Meet the Life Insurers Council Advisory Board.
Online communities at LIC Connect give LIC members 24/7 access to a network of peers at other companies and an archive of informational resources.
For more information about the Life Insurers Council, please email lic@loma.org.