A central source for policies and procedures related to LOMA's various professional development products and programs.

A central source for policies and procedures related to LOMA's various professional development products and programs.
The mission of LOMA’s Professional Development Division is to provide companies in the insurance and financial services industry with quality industry-specific education — characterized by job-relevant course content and convenient course access. This page is a central source for policies and procedures related to our various professional development products and programs.
LOMA’s wide range of professional development products and services is designed to meet your learning and development needs. LOMA courses will help you gain a broad understanding of the industry as a whole and an appreciation for how you contribute to your company’s success. All LOMA professional development products are developed with guidance and support from industry subject matter experts and are globally recognized as relevant and engaging.
LOMA makes every effort to accommodate the needs of students with special needs by granting permission for special arrangements on a case-by-case basis. Contact LOMA’s Contact Center at education@loma.org for more details.
If you choose to participate as a student in LOMA education, you are responsible for:
All LOMA course enrollments are individual enrollments and are for your own personal educational purposes only. Use of any part of a LOMA course or course materials for any other purpose requires a separate license agreement from LOMA. Each course contains specific Terms of Use to which users are bound as participants in LOMA’s education programs. Contact us at education@loma.org to inquire about separate license agreements or to report violation of LOMA’s Terms of Use.
Enrollment fees vary by course level and are based on a company’s LOMA membership status, the type of course delivery format selected, and the location where the course is administered. Log in to your LOMA learning record for pricing specific to your membership status, course delivery format, and geographic location.
Participation in LOMA Education Programs or activities does not constitute LOMA membership, nor does it qualify an organization for member company rates. To receive your company’s membership benefit of lower course enrollment fees, be sure that your company’s Organization/Company ID is entered in your Learning Account profile in LOMA’s learning system. Contact your company’s Ed Rep to request this information.
In addition to the topic and subject matter that is right for you, you should also consider the course format (content delivery method and exam delivery method) that best suits your needs. This section will guide you in making your selection. If you enroll for a course or delivery method by mistake, contact LOMA’s Contact Center within 72 hours of your enrollment to have the error corrected at no charge.
There are two primary methods of online content delivery:
For content delivery information on each designation course, see the Designation Study Materials Roadmap. Also see Curriculum Changes (under Accessing Study Materials).
NOTE: Past exams are not recommended as study aids and are not available from LOMA.
Depending on the course, the exam delivery format options may be self-proctored, proctored, or both. In addition, some exams are module-based, while others are comprehensive.
Courses With Self-Proctored Exams
Courses With Proctored Exams
Some text-based courses require or include the option for proctored exams. Proctored exams are comprehensive/end-of course exams and must be taken at an approved LOMA testing location and supervised by a proctor. These exams are timed with one exam attempt. Also see Proctored Exam Delivery System.
Courses With Self-Proctored and Proctored Exam Options
For text-based courses that offer both a self-proctored and a proctored exam option, you must choose your preferred exam delivery format at the time of enrollment. Check with your company’s Ed Rep before enrolling to determine whether your company has any exam format requirements.
For exam delivery information on each designation course, see the Designation Study Materials Roadmap. Also see Completing Exam Requirements (under Accessing Study Materials).
All LOMA designation courses are delivered online within LOMA’s learning system. If you need assistance with logging in to LOMA’s learning system, contact us at education@loma.org.
The courses you are enrolled in appear on the “Upcoming Learning” page in your LOMA learning account. To access the course, click on the course title in “Upcoming Learning.”
Enrolling in a LOMA designation course entitles you to six month’s access to the course’s study materials. The expiration date is shown in your learning record.
If you have not completed your course requirements by the end of the course’s six-month access period shown in your student record, you may re-enroll to extend your course access for an additional six-month period.
Course extensions can also be used to:
The cost for re-enrolling varies, depending upon when you re-enroll:
After the expiration of the discount period, you may re-enroll at the course’s full price. This full price will automatically be reflected in your Shopping Cart when you re-enroll via LOMA’s learning system.
When a course’s study materials are revised, digital and print versions of previous study materials will be available from LOMA for only six months to allow students whose enrollments are based on those outgoing materials to complete their courses. However, any new enrollments in the course will be based on the new study materials.
This means that you may be studying materials different from another student’s enrolled in the same course, if you enrolled at different times. It is the student’s responsibility to study from the correct materials. Please contact LOMA’s Contact Center if you have any questions.
LOMA will be discontinuing the sale of designation course textbooks effective June 30, 2025. A limited inventory of course textbooks is now available for purchase at significantly reduced prices on the Learning Management System.
Self-proctored exams are delivered on-demand. System controls prevent learners from accessing the course materials while answering exam questions.
After completing a self-proctored exam, you’ll see a “Performance Report” showing your grade on that exam attempt, as well as an analysis of your performance by “Learning Objective.” This report is intended to help guide your studies if you need another attempt to successfully pass the self-proctored exam(s).
A minimum passing score on each self-proctored exam is 70 percent. When you successfully complete all required self-proctored exams for your course, the course status in your Learning History in LOMA’s learning system will show as COMPLETED. Also see Retake Policy.
Self-Proctored Exam Procedures & Regulations
If you complete a proctored LOMA exam, you will receive an e-mail containing your official grade on the exam, as well as an individual “Performance Analysis Report” showing your performance on each chapter of the assigned study materials. “Performance Analysis Reports” are sent to students, but not to Ed Reps.
A minimum passing score on each proctored exam is 70 percent. When you successfully complete the proctored exam for your course, the course status in your Learning History in LOMA’s learning system will show as COMPLETED. Also see Retake Policy.
Proctored Exam Delivery System
LOMA’s cloud-based system for delivering computerized exams in a proctored environment is called I*STAR. I*STAR testing is available to students at companies that can provide a proctor to oversee testing. I*STAR offers the convenience and flexibility of year-round testing, as well as immediate online grade reporting.
In order to take a proctored (I*STAR) exam, you must select this option during the enrollment process.
Important Information About I*STAR Enrollments, Fees, Cancellations, and Testing
I*STAR Exam Procedures & Regulations
If you feel that a question in a LOMA exam is unfair, misleading, or has no correct answer, you may challenge the question in writing. Email your challenge to education@loma.org within 10 days of the date of the exam. All challenges are reviewed by LOMA’s Professional Development staff. You will be notified via email of the results of your challenge when the investigation is complete.
Students who fail a course can re-enroll in the course at a discounted cost. However, you must re-enroll for the course within six months of the date of the fail in order to receive the discount.
Retake fees vary by location — the cost of a retake will be automatically reflected in your shopping cart when you re-enroll.
NOTE: This differs from a discounted Course Extension in that Course Extensions are only available if you have not yet taken the examination(s) for the course. Also see Extending Course Access (under Accessing Study Materials).
To protect the integrity of LOMA designations, while ensuring the credibility and rights of organizations and individuals participating in LOMA programs, a due process procedure is used when violations of standards governing exam administration are suspected. The due process procedure involves:
Review the complete due process policy here.
Grades for any LOMA course that includes a scored examination are recorded on the Learning History page in your LOMA Learning record. An Ed Rep in your organization can access your Learning History to view course progress and to assist you; however, for your privacy, Ed Reps are not able to view any numeric scores on your Learning History record.
LOMA’s Associate, Customer Service™ (ACS®), program has an additional Property & Casualty track available to learners based in Canada. Each track is composed of three required courses and two electives.
Learners who wish to use course credits from partner testing organizations for the ACS – Property and Casualty tracks must submit an application for ACS — P&C course credit.
For more information on courses offered by these partner organizations, please visit The Insurance Institute of Canada website.
In some cases, learners may receive credit for courses that are no longer offered by LOMA or participating partner organizations. Credit for discontinued courses is subject to change without notice. Please review the “Course Credit Notes” for each designation program indicated below.
Learners may be eligible for credit for other discontinued courses. Check your designation progress in your Learning History in LOMA’s learning system.
LOMA grants course credit for some other insurance-related designation programs. You may apply for credit for up to three LOMA courses by virtue of having completed other related designation programs. The fee to apply for this credit is $70 per course credit.
Review the complete list of approved credits on the Application for Transfer Credit.
Many prestigious colleges and universities grant credit for LOMA courses, helping insurance and financial services professionals earn a college degree more quickly and easily than ever before.
The National College Credit Recommendation Service (National CCRS) evaluates LOMA courses and recommends semester credit hours for each course. Consult with your academic advisor or other school official for more information. All credit decisions are the college’s or university’s sole discretion.
Some states and provinces grant life and health agent continuing education (CE) credit for LOMA education courses. However, LOMA is unable to facilitate the CE application or submission process for learners. Each state and province has its own set of requirements for granting CE credit, and CE credit is not granted automatically. Learners must submit proof of course credit directly to the state or province upon completion of a LOMA course.
Courses may not be approved for all categories of licenses, and all states and provinces reserve the right to deny CE credit at any time. Please check with your state or province to determine the requirements for CE credit application that apply to your individual situation.
Designation credentials may be used immediately upon successfully completing program requirements.
LOMA’s digital badges are a verifiable way to share your accomplishments with others. Digital badges can be shared via social media, email signatures, or digital business cards.
LOMA awards Digital Badges upon successful completion of:
Digital badges are sent to the email address shown in your LOMA learning record and usually arrive within 48 hours of completing your last course for the certificate or designation. Instructions for sharing your digital badge are included in the email containing the badge.
LOMA provides printed, personalized awards upon completion of:
Names appear on awards as they are listed on LOMA learning records and do not include other designations or titles.
Awards for designations earned in | Will be mailed in |
January, February, or March | April |
April, May, or June | July |
July, August, or September | October |
October, November, or December | January |
Awards are printed quarterly and mailed to company Ed Reps or directly to independent students, following the schedule shown below.
LOMA cannot be responsible for lost awards. For US-based students, replacement awards can be ordered for $50 (U.S.) per student per award. Download a replacement award order form here.
A printable “Notice of Completion” is available for any course you successfully complete. Access this notice from the Learning History page in your LOMA learning record.
A printable “Certificate of Completion” is also available upon completion of all courses within a designation program or short online course collection. Access this certificate from the Learning History page in your LOMA learning record.
Available in the US and Canada only.
LOMA’s facilitated learning programs offer industry-specific education on a variety of topics for insurance professionals at all career levels — from those new to the industry, to emerging leaders, to managers and executives. Through live sessions, our expert facilitators teach concepts, answer questions, and lead hands-on application exercises.
You can learn about and register for upcoming facilitated learning events through the link noted above.
Available in the US and Canada only.
Maximize growth with knowledge and skills gained from Industry Advantage. This enterprise purchase subscription program features unlimited access to a deep library of short, industry-specific content on foundational and emerging topics.
LL Global, Inc., through its LIMRA and LOMA brands, is committed to a business partnership with its worldwide members in the financial services industry to improve their management and operations through knowledge, insights, connections, and solutions.
LL Global does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, pregnancy, religion, age, disability, citizenship, ancestry, service in the uniformed services, sexual orientation, marital status, genetic information, or any other factors protected by federal, state and local law in education policies or eligibility requirements for its programs.
All statements are for informational purposes only and should not be construed as the basis of a contract between a student, Educational Representative (Ed Rep), or participating organization and LL Global. While the provisions of this document and our website (www.loma.org) will ordinarily be applied as stated, LL Global reserves the right to change any provision without any actual notice to students. Every effort will be made to keep students and company Ed Reps advised of any changes. Ed Reps are not agents of LL Global.
The content on this page, or any part thereof, may be reproduced or transmitted for the purpose of informing current or potential LOMA students of available education opportunities, on the condition that the reproduction or transmission includes the following notice: “Copyright © 2022 LL Global, Inc. All rights reserved.” Reproductions or transmissions for any other purpose require the prior written permission from LOMA. LOMA®, FLMI®, ALMI®, ACS®, AIRC™, and I*STAR® are service marks of LOMA, and use for purposes not authorized by LOMA is prohibited.
Examinations described in this document and on loma.org are designed solely to measure whether students have successfully completed the relevant assigned curriculum. The attainment of LOMA designations indicates only that all examinations in the given curriculum have been successfully completed. In no way should a student’s completion of a given LOMA course or attainment of any LOMA designation be construed to mean that LOMA in any way certifies that student’s competence, training, or ability to perform any given task. LOMA’s examinations are to be used solely for general educational purposes, and no other use of the examinations or programs is authorized or intended by LOMA. Furthermore, it is in no way the intention of the LOMA curriculum or examinations to describe the standard of appropriate conduct in any field of the financial services industry, and LOMA expressly repudiates any attempt to so use the curriculum and examinations. Any such assessment of student competence or usual industry practices should instead be based on independent professional inquiry and the advice of competent professional counsel.
It is unlawful to make unauthorized copies of LOMA texts, study aids, exams, software, this document, or any other materials. When companies or students make unauthorized copies of LOMA materials, they engage in illegal activity, thereby depriving LOMA of revenues used for association activities such as new research, training, and development of education programs. Unless your company has specific written permission from LOMA in advance, any photocopying, inputting or recording via computer or other storage medium or device, copying of software, storing or accessing materials via company intranets or networks, or incorporating any LOMA materials into other works may subject you and your company to substantial liability for damages under the Copyright Act. You may apply to use other LOMA materials on a case-by-case basis by contacting us at education@loma.org.
If you have questions about LOMA’s Professional Development Programs, contact your company’s LOMA Education Representative (Ed Rep) first. If you require additional assistance, or if you are an independent student, please contact:
LOMA’s Contact Center
6190 Powers Ferry Road, Suite 600
Atlanta, GA 30339 USA
Tel: 770-984-3761
Fax: 770-984-6415
E-mail: education@loma.org