Who Attends
*** Reserved for Insurance Company and Fraternal CEOs and Presidents ***
The LIC CEO Forum is a chance for chief executives from small-to-midsize life insurance companies and fraternals to get together in a unique peer networking meeting.
The itinerary will include meeting sessions 8am-3pm on Tuesday January 31, dinner out with spouses invited, and meeting sessions 8-11am on Wednesday February 1. In addition to featured presentations, we'll have plenty of facilitated discussion on topics submitted by participants, such as:
- Investment Strategies in the Current Economic Environment
- Annuity Product & Rate Trends
- Regulatory Issues
- Continuing Impact of COVID
- Distribution Challenges & Opportunities
CEOs are encouraged to stay and sign up for the LIC Annual Conference February 1-3 at the same location. All paid CEO Forum participants are eligible for a $300 discount on the Annual Conference! See www.loma.org/LIC2023 for info.
See Who's Coming! Earlybird registrants are included in the Preliminary Agenda.
Please Note: See the current COVID-19 protocol and requirements in the Health & Safety section of this website.