Ed Rep Policy on Student Record Privacy
The student data you access as a LOMA Ed Rep for your employer is to be used only for the administration of the education programs sponsored by LOMA and is not to be used in any way outside your duties as an Ed Rep. Access to this information is granted solely on the condition that the information may not be shared with any person that is not appointed by your employer to receive such information.
Any other use is strictly prohibited and may lead to civil or criminal prosecution in the event that the information is used to compromise a person’s privacy rights, or in connection with the employment or termination of a student. Student information may not be used in relation to any performance evaluation, change, or transfer of work responsibilities.
As the assigned Ed Rep, you will be held responsible if student data is used for any purpose other than that for which it was intended as stated herein. LOMA is not responsible for the accuracy or completeness of the student records that you maintain.