2024 Ed Rep Survey:
Company Practices Regarding Industry Education

2024 Ed Rep Survey:
Company Practices Regarding Industry Education
80 Primary Ed Reps from around the world!
These methods highlight the importance of internal communication channels when driving awareness and participation in professional development programs.
The majority of responding Ed Reps indicated that improvement to industry acumen resonates most strongly with audiences, which is up from sixty-five percent in the 2020 Ed Rep Survey.
Seventy-three percent of respondents indicate that the decision to take advantage of LOMA professional development is self-directed by the employee – an impressive increase from fifty-seven percent in 2020. This growth highlights a rising commitment to empowering employees in their career development.
A growing number of companies reported using LOMA courses for employee onboarding compared to the 2020 survey. Over 50% of responding Ed Reps now incorporate LOMA 280/281 and LOMA 290/291 for onboarding new employees, up from 26% in 2020. This year, the survey also included the inaugural group of Industry Advantage subscribers.
Meet the specific needs of your entire workforce with LOMA’s new Industry Advantage subscription program. This just-in-time learning program offers a broad and deep library with topics focused on life insurance, annuities, and workplace benefits.
74% of responding companies pay enrollment fees upfront
34% of responding companies require employees to reimburse the company if they fail the course
23% of responding companies pay only for the first-time enrollment in a course
Eighty seven percent of respondents reported that their companies pay for LOMA course enrollments to some extent, highlighting a strong commitment to employee development.
61% of responding companies allow time away from regular duties for professional development
70% of responding companies support social learning (e.g. committee meetings, virtual classrooms, discussion boards)
Studies show that allowing employees work time for professional development encourages a culture where employees feel that the company is investing in learning which creates greater satisfaction and can help the company increase efficiency and drive innovation. Explore our interactive infographic, Create a Culture of Growth With Professional Development to learn more.
The Ed Rep Roundtable meets to discuss tips, techniques, and best practices for administering LOMA Professional Development within their organizations. Before adopting rules and regulations, LOMA asks the Ed Rep Roundtable to evaluate the proposals to see if they are practicable. If you're a LOMA Ed Rep interested in joining this committee, please email us at education@loma.org.
64% of responding companies give a one-time cash bonus for completion of a LOMA designation (most ranging from $500 to $1000)
48% of responding companies give a one-time cash bonus for completion of a LOMA course (most ranging from $50 to $250 per course)
28% of responding Ed Reps have used the Fellowship Designation Celebration page or Ed Rep Fellowship Recognition Toolkit resources to help with honoring designees
Other incentives include vacation days, acknowledgement from senior leaders, internal celebrations, and company newsletter or intranet spotlights.
Recognizing the educational achievement of your employees demonstrates the value you place on professional development and encourages others to pursue educational opportunities. The Ed Rep Fellowship Recognition Toolkit includes program descriptions, customizable email templates, and shareable content to recognize the designees in your organization.