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Welcome to the Ed Rep Toolkit!

Your work to promote LOMA professional development opportunities within your organization is critical to the success of your company’s employees. If you need support, we’ve got you covered. Use this cross-reference guide to quickly locate available resources and tools. Whether you're looking for specific links or exploring new features, this convenient guide will help you make the most of the toolkit.

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Textbook Sale! Don't miss the opportunity to create your own comprehensive library of LOMA textbooks at special prices. Available for purchase on the LMS.

Welcome to the Ed Rep Toolkit—a comprehensive, easy-to-navigate hub organized into three key sections:

This resource is designed to equip Ed Reps with all the tools necessary to efficiently promote LOMA's professional development offerings. The content that Ed Reps have historically relied on remains available, and new resources have been added to simplify the Ed Rep role and support the marketing of LOMA Professional Development. ​

Section 1: Ed Rep Resources

Your go-to source for essential tools and information for effective management of LOMA Professional Development.

Section 2: Promoting LOMA Professional Development

Discover a variety of resources and strategies to effectively promote LOMA's professional development programs.

Section 3: Learner and Leader Engagement

Celebrate achievements and engage with the professionals at your organization with testimonials and offerings.

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