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LIC Financial & Tax Accounting Committee Virtual Meeting

5/22/2025, 2 - 4 p.m. EDT


Who Attends

Senior-level accounting executives at LIC Member companies and other small-to-midsize life insurance companies and fraternal organizations.


The LIC Financial & Tax Accounting Committee Meeting is dedicated to providing information, networking, and practical solutions related to financial and tax accounting needs of small to midsize life insurance companies. Senior-level accounting executives are welcome to sign up and provide input on the topics you’d most like to see covered.

Hear what other companies are experiencing and share practical solutions to common challenges. Past topics have included:

  • How can AI be used in Accounting?
  • What are the best Accounts Payable software programs available for small to medium size insurance companies?
  • What is your most trusted source for investment accounting and reporting?
  • In addition, Larson & Company will share their expertise in a presentation qualifying for one hour of CE.

The meeting is open to insurance company executives, with a discounted registration fee for LIC members. Affiliate Members/Vendors must sponsor the meeting in order to attend. Find out about LIC sponsorship opportunities (


LIC Committee Meetings are open to insurance companies/fraternals. Vendors/service providers must be a meeting sponsor in order to attend.

Insurance Companies

  • LIC Member: $65
  • Nonmember: $75
  • Group Discount: After one paid registrations, use code GRPCOMP for the second and additional attendees to attend for free.
  • Fraternals: AFA Member Societies' registration is fully sponsored - register at the AFA Website.

Affiliates / Vendors

  • Sponsorship will be billed separately (see LIC Sponsorships)
  • LIC Accounting Committee 2024 Sponsorship: $285 LIC Member/$485 Nonmember
  • Register one included attendee with SPONSOR promo code; additional attendees pay applicable Registration Fee



Reserve your sponsorship today! LIC Sponsorship Form

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